Thursday, January 27, 2011

Clement Sauve

Died last night.

He was 33 years old, two years younger than me.

I barely knew Clem, I only met him a handful of times. We sort of crossed paths career-wise at Devil's Due in the early 2000's. I took over from him first on Infantry covers, and then on Voltron for all of one issue before it was canceled.

I liked him, but I barely knew him, so it's not my place to get into some of the things other people are, but he was one of us.

This has been borne out by enough of my peers that even though I can only speak for myself with absolute authority, I'll say it anyway: Most of us who create as a way of life are driven by similar things. Our secret origins are often eerily similar, and tend to result in a lack of faith/interest/understanding in real-world trappings like wealth, family, and shiny things. We just want to make shit. And underneath that, perhaps born of simple fear, we share a desire to leave something behind, long after wealth, family and even we ourselves are gone.

Clem left a wealth of awesome behind.

Whether you knew Clem well, or never heard of him until this post, please take a moment today to learn a little more about him and look at all the beautiful things he made.

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